Compliance Policy

Compliance Policy

Effective date: January 1, 2016
Revision date: March 24, 2023

SocioFuture Group regards compliance as one of its most important management priorities and is committed to ensuring that compliance takes priority over everything else.

  • 1. We respect social norms and corporate ethics, and place compliance with laws, regulations, and internal rules above all else.
    We are keenly aware that the SocioFuture Group's mission is to protect social infrastructure, and we strive to practice and strengthen compliance so as not to undermine the trust of society and stakeholders in Japan and abroad.
  • 2. In order to realize our mission, we act in a manner that is honest, fair, and impartial toward everyone.
    We take the initiative in dealing with our customers, suppliers, and employees, as well as all other people and organizations and local communities, in an honest, fair and impartial manner in order to realize the "human friendly society" set forth in our mission.
  • 3. We ensure that we do not have any relationships with antisocial forces, strictly handle personal information, and respect the diversity of individuals.
    We take a firm stance against antisocial forces, recognize the importance of personal and confidential information, handle such information with the utmost care, and provide a working environment that respects diversity without discrimination based on gender, age, nationality, disability, etc.