Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

Our directors and employees shall adhere to the following rules on both official and personal social media (blogs and other participatory media) accounts.Furthermore, this Social Media Policy is subject to change without prior notification.

Ⅰ.Compliance guidelines for use of social media by directors and employees
1.We shall understand that the content posted on social media can reflect on the Group’ s reputation, and act responsibly.
2.We shall understand that posts made on social media are disclosed to the “entire world” and they may be disseminated quickly in unintended ways or formats. Moreover, we shall fully understand that they cannot be completely deleted once uploaded onto the internet, and we shall adhere to the rules of the social media.
3.We shall understand the laws and ordinances, the guidelines, internal regulations and employment rules of our group. We shall pay sufficient attention to protect personal information and privacy policy.
4.We shall be respectful to others and strive for good communication.

Ⅱ.Requests for social media use
1.Not all of the information shared by the Group on social media necessarily represents the official views of the Group.Neither does the Group guarantee the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the information posted.For the official announcement, please refer to the Group's website and news releases. The Group shall not be held liable for any damages incurred through the use of information posted on social media sites.
2.Information shared by the Group on social media is information as of the time of posting, and the content may be changed or deleted afterwards.
3.We may terminate or suspend the operation of any or all of our social media accounts at our discretion without prior notification.
4.If comments or posts on social media being deemed inappropriate by the Group, we may delete comments or block accounts in the following cases.
Illegal activities
Violation of public morals
Infringement upon the rights of third parties including intellectual property rights
Nuisance to others

Date of issue: February 13, 2012
Date of revision: November 1, 2021