Deposit Account Inquiry System (DAIS)

Deposit Account Inquiry System (DAIS)

“DAIS” is a solution that degitalizes savings inquiries from government to financial institutions and these responses.
The use of DAIS diminishes traditional paper-based office work and improves information security.

DAIS stands for Deposit Account Inquiry System, and it is a registered trademark of SocioFuture.

Features and Benefits of Deployment

  • This system dramatically reduces personnel and postal costs at both government agencies and financial institutions.

    This system dramatically reduces personnel and postal costs at both government agencies and financial institutions.

  • Responding to inquiries, which used to take 2 weeks to a month, can be processed in a few days.

    Responding to inquiries, which used to take 2 weeks to a month, can be processed in a few days.

  • Administrative agencies responsible for disposition to collect arrears experience a significant reduction in administrative time, leading to further improvements in operational efficiency.

    Administrative agencies responsible for disposition to collect arrears experience a significant reduction in administrative time, leading to further improvements in operational efficiency.

Overview of Services


Government agencies conduct inquiries to multiple financial institutions for a single subject of investigation in conjunction with tax audits, asset searches, etc. without using DAIS, this kind of investigation requests were often sent by mail, which needs personnel and postage costs.
DAIS digitalizes inquiry information, while automatically categorizing information on the subject for each financial institution, transmiting the information to them separately.
Government agencies and financial institutions can respond to multiple inquiries using a single file. It eliminates the needs to create and handle files for each inquiry and response.